All posts by David

BK-17 Document Tutorial

This is the BK-17 Document Tutorial.
There are 15 tutorial videos in total.

  1. Install order
  2. Language setting
  3. X, Y axis
  4. Checking install up
  5. Measure button size
  6. Vibration speed
  7. Button Memory
  8. Button error
  9. Short & Long spin
  10. Point button
  11. Reset working cycle
  12. Pin change button
  13. Reset count
  14. Clamp open button
  15. Cycle of a work

1.  Install order

 2.  Language setting

 3. X, Y axis

 4.  Checking install up

5. Measure button size

6. Vibration speed

7. Button Memory

8. Button error

9. Short & Long spin

10. Point button

11. Reset working cycle

12. Pin change button

13. Reset count

14. Clamp open button

15. Cycle of a work